Thoughts on Spider-man: No way home

I have always been intrigued by superhero stories and my favourite superhero have always been spider-man (closely followed by Batman). Not very punk, I know, but those two are some of the greatest for a reason. My super-hero craze really started with the excellent saturday morning cartoons of the 90’s. I can still watch and enjoy them to this day.
When Sam Raimis Spider-man movie came out it was like a new world open itself, by then it was the best movie I had ever seen. Both Tobey Maguire and Willem Defoe made excellent adaptations of their character. When it was revealed that both Defoe and Alfred Molina (Spider-man 2 is still up there in contention for best superhero movie ever) would return in their roles at the iconic villains Dr. Octopus and Green Goblin I was over the moon excited for No way home. It’s probably one of the most anticipated movies for me ever.
When I heard that there were rumors of both Tobey and Andrew also returning as the spider-men my brain almost blew but didn’t dare to hope.
It was a bumpy road getting to see the movie though. First I had fumbled with the world premiere date, thinking it was the 17 dec when it was actually 15 dec. We had planned going away for christmas and were leaving on the 17th so I thought that I couldn’t go. When I then found out it was actually the 15th I thought I had a chance to see it, but unfortunately fell ill just before the date and couldn’t risk it.
As we were travelling between different relatives during the holidays there was no chance to take the time to go to the cinema. I also caught a lot of colds during our different stays so I was in no condition to go anywhere, with covid still running rampant and everyone being on edge. The streak of snively noses and sour throats kept going on until a few days after new years eve. Then at 8 jan this year I finally got to see it!
However, I thought that I had been spoiled during the christmas holiday where I had accidently read a news article claiming “Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield were almost included in the post-credits scene”. My interpretation of that was that they were not in the movie but they were almost included in the post-credit scene. This damaged my enthusiasm somewhat but I still really wanted to see it.
The “spoiler” actually turned into even more hype when I actually got to see the movie since my interpretation was entirely wrong.
No way home is probably my favourite MCU movie so far, beating out Infinity War and End game. It just earned so many nostalgia points tugging at all the right heart strings with the characters, music scores and callbacks. To see bully macguire take the scene one more time, was amazing.
The trio of Peter, MJ and Ned really got to show off their characters and their relationship. The new aunt May also really got to shine, and her delivering the legendary line was just :chefs_kiss:. Overall there were a nice balance between action, comedy, drama and nostalgia in this 2,5 hour movie goodness. Not everything was perfect, there were some weird twists in the story and the overall setup for the entire movie was a bit questionable, but that was easy to ignore when most things hit the right notes.
I’m looking forward to seeing it one more time when it’s released on a streaming service.